Direct Part Marking

The Direct Part Marking – DPM and the traceability of the industrial products
Data Matrix (DMC) is a 2D matrix code, designed to allocate even very long strings in a small space. It is widely used in the electronic, aeronautical and automotive sectors. It offers a decisive and extremely effective solution: the "Direct Part Marking - DPM", that is the direct marking of the product and its consequent permanent identification obtaining a complete traceability of the production.
It use the Reed-Salomon error correction system with data redundancy to ensure fast and reliable readings. The code can allocate from 1 to 3116 numeric or 2335 alphanumeric characters.
The most frequent applications of this code are in the marking of small objects such as integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, mechanical parts of automotive and aeronautical engines.
The DPM direct marking ensures permanent identification and eliminates the limitations and costs associated with the use of labels. By choosing the most appropriate marking technology, each type of material can be effectively marked with the Data Matrix Code. Reading reliability and first reading efficiency are assured at very high levels thanks, respectively, to the error control technique (16-bit CRC) and to the self-correction code code damaged up to 20/25% of the entire matrix (ECC 200: Reed-Salomon Error correction code).
All BERMA dot peen and laser marking systems are able to mark these codes with DPM technology.