"Year 2022: Keep on growing!"

Fabrizio Bergamini, CEO of BERMA Macchine, outlines the target of year 2022 precisely:
“We want to keep on growing: in numbers for sure, and mainly in the features making us more and more successful every day.
The product is naturally the "core" of our business: this year we want to renew the range of our industrial laser marking systems (the preview presentation of the new MIKRO at the end of 2021 was the first step), with a new design to improve aesthetics and functionality further, and new electronics (ready for 3D marking) making the production process easier.
A quick chat with any of our customers is quite enough to understand how much the competence of our guys and the speed and accuracy of our service are appreciated: it is the confirmation that the efforts we made in all these years are towards the right direction, and we intend to continue like this! In 2022 we want to strengthen our presence in proximity: Venice Land in Italy, and Germany abroad are the areas where we’ll focus our efforts.
Attending exhibitions has always been essential for BERMA: during the last two years there have been several stop & go unfortunately, but in 2022 we want to accelerate again! We have already planned 5 exhibitions (four in Italy and one in Germany), we want to get back to being close to our customers as and more than before "
The path is clearly traced, and the journey has begun!